
  • Hu, Mantian, Junji Xiao, and Bingyong Zheng (2022), “The selection effect of quota rationing mechanisms on sales distribution: The convergence of auction and lottery.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 200, 803-819. Mantian Hu, Chu Dang, and Pradeep Chintagunta (2019), “Search and learning in a daily deals site,” Marketing Science, 38(4), July–August 2019, 609-642.

  • Mantian Hu, Sha Yang, and Yi Xu (2019), “Understanding the Social Learning Effect in Contagious Switching Behavior,” Management Science, 65(10), 4771-4794.

  • P. C. Verhoef, A. T. Stephen, P. K. Kannan, X. Luo, V. Abhishek, M. Andrews, … & Mantian Hu (2017), “Consumer connectivity in a complex, technology-enabled, and mobile-oriented world with smart products,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 40, 1-8.

  • Mantian Mandy Hu, and Russell S. Winer (2016), “The “tipping point” feature of social coupons: An empirical investigation,” International Journal of Research in Marketing.

  • Sha Yang, Mandy Mantian Hu, Russ Winer, and Henry Assael (2012), “An Empirical Study of Word-of-Mouth Generation and Consumption,” Marketing Science, 31(6), 952-963.

Working Papers

  • Øystein Daljord, Guillaume Pouliot, Junji Xiao and Mantian Hu, “The Black Market for Beijing License Plates,” under review.

  • Xiuping Li, Catherine Yeung, Leonard Lee and Mantian Hu, “A National Field Experiment on the Effects of Surcharge Donation,” under review.

  • Xintong Han and Mantian Hu, “Intensified Online Opinion Clashes with Salient Group Identity.”

  • Mantian Hu, Xiang Zhou, Irwin King and Jingcun Cao, “Making Predictions for Sequentially Available Choices: A Gaussian Copula Approach,” under review.

  • Mantian Hu, Chih-sheng Hsieh, and Jamie Jia, “Predicting Peer Influence using Network Structures,” under review at International Journal of Research in Marketing.

  • Junji Xiao, Mantian Hu, Steve Lu, “Incumbent or entrant? The mutual choices between car dealers and manufacturers.”

  • Mantian Hu, Chih-sheng Hsieh, and Jamie Jia, “Network Based Targeting: The Effectiveness of Peer Influence within Social Networks.”

Book Chapters

  • “Big Data Applications in the Telecommunications Industry,” edited by Ye Ouyang and Mantian Hu; IGI Global: ISBN 1522517502, 9781522517504.

  • “Mining Over Air: Wireless Communication Networks Analytics,” Ye Ouyang, Mantian Hu, Alexis Huet, and Zhongyuan Li; Springer: ISBN 978-3-319-92312-3

  • “移动通信大数据分析——数据挖掘与机器学习实战 ,” 作者:欧阳晔,胡曼恬,亚历克西斯·休特,李中源 ,清华大学出版社: ISBN:9787302541240