Hu, Mantian, Junji Xiao, and Bingyong Zheng (2022), “The selection effect of quota rationing mechanisms on sales distribution: The convergence of auction and lottery.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 200, 803-819. Mantian Hu, Chu Dang, and Pradeep Chintagunta (2019), “Search and learning in a daily deals site,” Marketing Science, 38(4), July–August 2019, 609-642.
Mantian Hu, Sha Yang, and Yi Xu (2019), “Understanding the Social Learning Effect in Contagious Switching Behavior,” Management Science, 65(10), 4771-4794.
P. C. Verhoef, A. T. Stephen, P. K. Kannan, X. Luo, V. Abhishek, M. Andrews, … & Mantian Hu (2017), “Consumer connectivity in a complex, technology-enabled, and mobile-oriented world with smart products,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, 40, 1-8.
Mantian Mandy Hu, and Russell S. Winer (2016), “The “tipping point” feature of social coupons: An empirical investigation,” International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Sha Yang, Mandy Mantian Hu, Russ Winer, and Henry Assael (2012), “An Empirical Study of Word-of-Mouth Generation and Consumption,” Marketing Science, 31(6), 952-963.
Working Papers
Øystein Daljord, Guillaume Pouliot, Junji Xiao and Mantian Hu, “The Black Market for Beijing License Plates,” under review.
Xiuping Li, Catherine Yeung, Leonard Lee and Mantian Hu, “A National Field Experiment on the Effects of Surcharge Donation,” under review.
Xintong Han and Mantian Hu, “Intensified Online Opinion Clashes with Salient Group Identity.”
Mantian Hu, Xiang Zhou, Irwin King and Jingcun Cao, “Making Predictions for Sequentially Available Choices: A Gaussian Copula Approach,” under review.
Mantian Hu, Chih-sheng Hsieh, and Jamie Jia, “Predicting Peer Influence using Network Structures,” under review at International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Junji Xiao, Mantian Hu, Steve Lu, “Incumbent or entrant? The mutual choices between car dealers and manufacturers.”
Mantian Hu, Chih-sheng Hsieh, and Jamie Jia, “Network Based Targeting: The Effectiveness of Peer Influence within Social Networks.”
Book Chapters
“Big Data Applications in the Telecommunications Industry,” edited by Ye Ouyang and Mantian Hu; IGI Global: ISBN 1522517502, 9781522517504.
“Mining Over Air: Wireless Communication Networks Analytics,” Ye Ouyang, Mantian Hu, Alexis Huet, and Zhongyuan Li; Springer: ISBN 978-3-319-92312-3
“移动通信大数据分析——数据挖掘与机器学习实战 ,” 作者:欧阳晔,胡曼恬,亚历克西斯·休特,李中源 ,清华大学出版社: ISBN:9787302541240